Lotus Marie, Class of 2021
Hi, I am currently taking four AP classes in addition to the three I have already completed. As an AP student I have really gotten to do work that pushed me intellectually. AP classes aren’t as difficult as someone would think, being in AP classes you have a community of classmates to lean on. Even though the work is harder, teachers are a lot more lenient and willing to adjust to help you succeed. In AP classes you learn how to budget your time and prepare yourself for college. In classes like AP Lang you read a lot of books but what’s really cool is that you are able to decide two of the books you read. After reading you get to do a really creative project and you can get really creative with it. My best friend and I made a t-shirt and did a little speech explaining our book.
In AP capstone you learn how to write advanced research papers, present your research to others and how to conduct research. AP Capstone is made up of two classes, AP Seminar and AP Research. In AP Seminar you will learn to write academic essays and work in a team to present a cohesive project on a world issue. In AP research you will conduct your own study, record it and present it in an academic paper. If you pass both classes you earn the AP capstone certificate. If you pass the AP capstone program and four other AP classes you receive an AP diploma.